Wednesday, March 6, 2013

New Grads: How To Get A Job Outside Your Major - Careers Articles

job outside majorAre you an art history major but you dream of working in public relations? Are you a business major but now you want to work in design or tech? If so, you wouldn't be alone. I often am asked by new grads if it is possible to work outside of their major. Will employers consider you for a position when your experience and degree are in another field?

The answer is an unequivocal yes. You can look for work and find a career outside of your major. Here's how to do it:

1. Your resume should draw parallels. When you're applying online, you, of course, need to use keywords from the job description (more on that, in a moment), but what do you do if you've had experience that looks, at first glance, different from the position you're applying for? Look over your current experience and ask yourself, "How can I relate what I've been doing to what I really want to do?" For example, you might be a public relations major but your dream is to run a nonprofit. There are a ton of skill sets that overlap in those two fields (marketing, promotions, strategy). When you make a bulleted list on your resume under each of your items of experience, make sure to create parallels. The employer should be able to look at your resume and think, "I can see the parallels and I understand why hiring this person could make sense."

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2. Incorporate industry buzz words. When you read the description for the job outside of your major that you are applying for, what words do they use? What skills are they looking for? Try your best to incorporate some of that language into your resume, cover letter, and interview. Tie what they are looking for into the skills you already have. Most large employers use applicant tracking systems that search through resumes with keywords; you also want to reinforce that you belong in the industry.

3. Use your cover letter to seal the deal. The cover letter provides a chance for you to explain yourself. If your resume is a bit "off" from the position you are applying for, use that resume to connect the dots for the employer. Why do you want this position? Why do you feel you can excel in this environment?

4. Have an explanation. When you are sitting face to face with an employer and they look over your resume and see a disconnect between your major and the job at hand, you need a solid explanation. What do you like about the field you want to go into? What draws you to this position? Make a list of the top three reasons why you are interviewing for this position. Be prepared to recall them in the job interview if necessary. You must be able to connect the dots for the employer. Explain why you originally majored in (art history, for example) and explain what you learned about yourself through that experience that lead you to change directions. For example, as an art history major I learned that although I'm passionate about the art world, I'm more interested in the marketing and event planning associated with museums and galleries. That experience has lead me to change my direction and explore marketing and event planning on a larger scale and for a diverse range of companies.

If you take all of these steps, be confident; there will be no doubts as to why you're applying for the job, and you'll be on your way to a new career.

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Lauren Berger

Lauren Berger

Lauren Berger is known as "The Intern Queen" and Chief Executive Officer of She is the author of the National Campus Best-Seller, ALL WORK NO PAY: Finding An Internship, Building Your Resume, Making Connections, and Gaining Job Experience (Ten Speed/Random House), and arguably the nation's most in-demand career/internship expert. She has been internationally recognized for her work with young people and her entreprenuerial spirit has attracted millions of job and internship seekers. Recently, Berger has been featured on The Today Show, Fox & Friends, The New York Times, The New York Post, Teen Vogue, Bloomberg, LA Weekly, and more. She regularly contributes to AOL Jobs, USA Today, Huffington Post,, Justine Magazine, and more. Berger's personal blog on BuzzNet can be viewed here and her current campaign with Best Buy can be viewed here.



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